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Home > Vacuum-insulated piping > Technical parameters

Technical parameters

Standard design:

  • Service pipe: DN 25 – 1000
  • Maximum temperature: 400 st.C
  • Pressure rating: PN 40

Special design:

  • Maximum temperature: 500 °C
  • Pressure rating: up to PN 60

The tables on the following pages can be downloaded here

Vakuované potrubí

Seamless service pipes

DIN 2448 steel ST 37.0 normal design

 Bezešvé médiové trubky

We can also supply other pipe sizes according to your order.

Welded service pipes

Svařované médiové trubky

DIN 2458 steel ST 37.0 WA or WB normal design

Determination of casing pipe size

laying table for determining the size of the casing pipe
depending on the diameter of the service pipe, insulation, and temperature of the medium.

Casing pipes according to DIN 2458

material ST 37.0 top insulation Bralen, jute
minimum thickness of casing pipes - depending on requirements, from normal to reinforced

Plášťové trubky podle DIN 2458

Thermal insulation standard

Rockwool wound pipe insulation sleeves 800,880

 vinutá potrubní izolační pouzdra Rockwool 800,880